Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Worst Christmas Song Ever

Sorry for the hiatus, I've been a bit busy of late. It's Christmas time. Christmas season is an amazing time of year - people are more cheerful, cities and houses are festively decorated, and it's the time of year we celebrate the birth of Jesus. The day after Thanksgiving, people recover from their food comas, trample others to try to save a few bucks, and Christmas music starts playing on the radio.

This brings me to the point of my message. Today I was driving home and heard the worst Christmas song ever. It's called The Christmas Shoes and it's by the band NewSong. As I was driving home, the song came on. I thought "I like Christmas music, let's give it a listen." After the first verse, I thought "man, this guy sounds like the guy from Alabama...and this song is worse than any Darrell Hammond impersonation, which is really saying something." Anywho, as the second verse started, I felt something wet on both sides of my face. I thought this was strange so I reached up to my face to see what had happened. Then I realized what just occurred: MY EARS HAD VOMITED ON MY FACE! The song actually caused a violent reaction within my ear canals that resulted in my ears barfing. I was shocked and disgusted...not because my ears hurled on my face, but that a song this bad could actually happen.

Maybe I just don't get it. If you check out NewSong's Wikipedia page, you'll see the song inspired a NY Times Best Seller and was also made into the second most watched made-for-TV movie for 2002-2003. NewSong has made more money off this song than any song I've ever written, but I sleep well at night knowing I don't have vomiting ears on my conscience.

1 comment:

  1. I have heard that song and could not agree more. Only my ears didn't throw up. When that song came on my first thought was OMG my ears are bleeding! But, it's the season for merriment, joy, forgiveness, etc. so maybe we should just take a deep breath, put in some ear plugs and enjoy...
